"Give Cancer the L "
All profit from this collection goes to the Odette Cancer Centre in Ontario Canada @ Sunnybrooke Hospital
I don't know what to say... Countless people have died from cancer complications. A few of those were directly connected to me. Some of them have survived, but not without some consequence. Whether it be physically emotionally, or spiritually. I do know cancer affects the entire community, and it takes a community to fight cancer. This collection collaborating with Natasha Kharabian and #natstrong to continue creating awareness for Cancer research efforts, cancer treatment efforts, and the necessity to connect community to continue to live and thrive through out the process. Where there's people there's power, none more so when all aspects of the self are involved.
Animink represents the soul as it journeys through its own individual adventure. The altered and possible destruction of that journey by cancer makes it the arch enemy of animink. and we aim to crush that cancer. Cancel Cancer with me and promote life. For this special project I donated my time and effort, as well as all the proceeds from these purchases to increase the awareness and make some sweet drip for ya'll. animink is also striving to connect to people, it seems like people these days are falling further and further apart, with the pandemic and social justice issues reaching a breaking point. It seems like time to give us a common enemy. Lets Cancel Cancer! Thank you for taking a look and helping spread the word.
From Natasha
It’s been eight years since the inception of #Natstrong - the day that my doctors confirmed my cancer diagnosis - and every year since has been a reminder that cancer doesn’t just happen to other people, it can happen to anyone and does affect everyone.
This year I didn’t want to simply voice my gratitude for good health but show it by fundraising for Toronto’s Sunnybrook Hospital and in particular the Odette Cancer Centre – where I received my cancer treatment and countless others receive lifesaving treatment every day.
Often, when charities raise funds for cancer research, the emphasis is placed on discovering a cure. Although this is of paramount value it is not the only way contributions are changing lives. When you and I donate to teaching hospitals like Sunnybrook, we are supporting the ground-breaking research that impacts millions around the world. Early detection, advanced treatment options and evolving post treatment therapies help countless patients, not only survive cancer but go on to live whole and fulfilling lives.
Many people are unaware that treatments like the ones I received weren’t available even a couple of decades earlier. And patients today with a similar prognosis to my own are receiving much advanced treatments to those I received eight years ago.
My goal to contribute to this impactful research, led me to team up with Ai clothing, one of my favourite streetwear design companies whose values to support worthy and often overlooked causes aligned perfectly with my own. The Cancel Cancer campaign was born.
Generously donating their time and ingenuity, the artists at Ai Clothing turned vision, passion and the determination to make positive change into the beautiful and powerful Cancel Cancer capsule collection.
You may not know me personally but cancer is personal. We all know someone who has had to battle it, or is still battling it today. This is a powerful way to show both solidarity and support – to say “not only do I believe in the possibility of progress – I too want to be a part of it.” Change is happening.
Every day someone fighting cancer crushes it - someone out there right this minute is cancelling cancer for good.
I’m ready to Cancel Cancer - will you join me?
Go to to learn more about Natasha's journey and the Campaign
All profit from this collection goes to the Odette Cancer Centre in Ontario Canada @ Sunnybrooke Hospital Learn more about their current research, effort and advancements in research for a cure, and treatment for canceling cancer.
to donate and purchase limited original drip click the banner below. or here.
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