BLM || All Black lives matter!

Masogyny, Masogyniour, Racism, and the fight for equality for everyone, starts with understanding that everyone has privilege and no lives matter if the most oppressed lives don't. Breonna Taylors murderers haven't been charged, havent been arrested, and are protected by a system that kills Black people without consequence, at the charge that Black people are criminals... Breonna Taylor and family were not criminals, and only sentenced to life of being profiled as one. 



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Killed in her Bed after a long day as an EMT taking care of the sick, and dangerous lifestyle, that the pandemic has caused... She didn't die of Covid-19 but instead killed by the  longer running deadly virus of racism, a systemically oppressive, perspective, and prosecutory ideology embedded in a so called freedom. For those who are privileged to get it.  Breonna Taylor a Black woman oppressed doubly had the unfortunate disadvantage of being bright, beautiful and Black.  Arrest the people who killed her, 


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