Anim.als ch II
Pollar the Polar Bear " F yo' couch " Pollar the Polar bear isn't to happy about what's happening to it's house, so right back at you, if you don't care about the ice he lives in. Well your couch is screwed.
Kitt Cat "Raawwrr" Kitt Cat the lion prince, on the verge of fear, at the precipice of greatness. A change agent in the making, also sleeps a lot, because you know cats.
Houndsome " Am I on? " Houndsome the show dog bred into a world of beauty and the beasts to be on the side where life is nothing but a show. Shunned by the beasts and propelled by society, conflicted souls run rampant.
Fluff "I'm not late, you're early AF" The Fluff, the cutest white rabbit you have ever seen. Don't mind the sass, Fluff is a bunny after all, a little nibble never hurt anyone.
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